Joyce Hwang – Keynote – “Living among pests”

Reinventing the City: A workshop on habitecture for wildlife

Opening Keynote: Associate Professor Joyce Hwang, School of Architecture and Planning, SUNY Buffalo.

Presentation title: “Living among pests”

We see conflicted attitudes toward our relationship with urban ‘nature’.  What happens, for instance, when urban wildlife encroaches on more densely populated areas of cities? What happens when they develop habitats outside officially zoned territories, and in residential or commercial neighborhoods? Ants of the Prairie sees these challenges and ‘conflicts’ not as limitations, but as instigators for creative practice. In our work, we are developing a series of projects that incorporate considerations for wildlife in our constructed environments. The talk will focus on recently completed works including several habitat projects: Bat Tower, Bat Cloud, and Habitat Wall, as well as No Crash Zone, a window renovation design to prevent bird-window collisions