

Reinventing the City: A workshop on habitecture for wildlife

February 5th—8th 2016

Hosted by University of Toronto & York University

Held at the Faculty Club and Multi-faith Centre, St. George Campus, University of Toronto

(Follow links below to access videos)

Habitecture Workshop Opening Keynote: Joyce Hwang  “Living with Pests”
Session I: Rethinking the Urban as a Space for Wildlife (Sue Ruddick, Ramsey Affiffi, John Hadidian, Jamie Lorimer)
Session II: Ethologies of Urban Wildlife 1 (Erin Luther, Nathalie Karvonen, Suzanne Macdonald, Sheila Colla)
Session III: Ethologies of Urban Wildlife 2 (Leesa Fawcett, Gail Fraser)
Session V: Designing for Animals 2 (Susannah Bunce, Justin Podur, Tracy Timmins)
This workshop was funded through a  SSHRC Connections Grant